Training program

    1. Admission open for

                    - Scheduled class.

                    - Individualstudent.

    2. Participants

                    - Doctors that have been or will be working in the field of pediatric gastrointestinal endoscopy.

                    - Nurses that have been or will be working in the field of pediatric gastrointestinal endoscopy.

    3. Duration

                    - For doctors:

    + Lower gastrointestinal endoscopy course: 6 months.

                                    + Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy course: 6 months.

                    - For nurses:

                                    + Lower gastrointestinal endoscopy course: 6 months.

                                    + Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy course: 6 months.

    4. Training features

                    - Lectures with training materials for scheduled classes.

                    - Self-study materials for  students.

                    - Practice on model before practicing on patients.

                    - Class schedule will be notified in detail upon admission.

    5. Testing features

                    - Theory exam: multiple choice.

    - Practical exam: on patients.

    6. Criteria for graduation

                    - Absence with permission <10%.

                    - Theory exam score ≥ 7 points.

                    - Practical exam score ≥ 7 points.
