Classification of herpes esophagitis of itoh

    Type 1: The middle and lower thirds of the esophagus: Small, punched-out lesions with raised margins; a slightly yellowish color and fibrin exudation at the center of lesions

    Type 2: The middle and lower thirds of the esophagus: Small, punched-out lesions without raised margins; no color and no exudation

    Type 3: Multiple ulcers become confluent, like a map at the extended esophageal lesions

    Initial treatment

    •Biopsy: Histological identification of HSV for ∆+

    •Blood tests: Serological HSV anti IgM, anti-HSV IgG

    •Others test: Immunodeficiency, renal failure, malignancy, transplanted organs, HIV, steroid or immunosuppressive therapy

    •Therapy: Antivirus (Acyclovir, Famciclovir, Valacyclovir)
