Lesion: The boy 2-year old had a 2cm diameter bouton battery at the upper one-third of esophagus with ulcers, about 2cm from upper esophageal sphincter
Lesion: The boy 3-year old had a 2,5cm diameter coin at the upper one-third of esophagus without ulcers, about 2cm from upper esophageal sphincter
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Bambino Jesus Hospital & Vietnam National Children’s Hospital
Initial Management
•≥ 80% of foreign bodies will pass spontaneously without endoscopy, for example: coin < 2cm…
•Interventional endoscopy indication : Some cases
–Common: Endoscopic removal intervention
–CT with or without Angiography or MRI (not used for magnet ingestion) before endoscopic or surgical intervention : Foreign body ingestion with high risk for esophageal perforation, aortic injury …

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